Relevant University Policies

If your group is involved in activities or events that are related to these policies, it is your responsibility to be aware of the specifics contained in each relevant policy. The brief summaries are provided as a convenience and are not to be considered official or comprehensive.

  • University of Minnesota Student Conduct Code:Every student at the University of Minnesota is bound to the Student Conduct Code on-campus and off-campus.
  • UMN Policy: Distribution of Temporary Information through Publications, Banners, or Chalking: Information regarding where and how to post flyers or chalk on University sidewalks.
    • Brief Summary: Use common sense and remember these are meant to be temporary and respectful.
  • UMN Policy: Safety of Minors: Important information for groups planning outreach or other events for students under the age of 18.
    • Brief Summary: Any event or program welcoming participants under the age of 18 must ensure the safety and well-being of those attending. Event staff/volunteers may be required to undergo background checks, all events are encouraged to register with the University, and more.
  • UMN Policy: Student Travel and Education Abroad: Health and Safety: Important information for groups planning trips abroad.
    • Brief Summary: Any group traveling on University-sponsored trips must register with the University, obtain U-approved insurance, and more before traveling.
  • UMN Policy: Makeup Work for Legitimate Absences: Important information regarding missing class, homework, exams, and final exams due to student organization business.
    • Brief Summary: With few exceptions, instructors have the discretion to determine what they will or will not accommodate in terms of makeup work and groups should not assume absences will be excused.
  • UMN Policy: Classifying and Recording Sponsorships for University-Hosted Events/Activities: Relevant for Campus Life Programs regarding gifts and sponsorships they receive from outside sources.
    • Brief Summary: There is a distinct difference between gifts received by the University Foundation and sponsorships received by the University. If your Campus Life Program is offering benefits to outside entities in return for funding it is important to know the difference between a gift and a sponsorship and how they are handled.
  • UMN Policy: Hospitality and Entertainment of Non-Employees: Information regarding the purchase and availability of hospitality (food, catering, etc) with University funds or funds provided by the University.
    • Brief Summary: Refreshments funded by the University (e.g. pizza at meetings) are only allowed on an occasional basis and should be modest in amount (per person). Any requests for funding toward refreshments/hospitality should be accompanied with a justification for why providing refreshments is important to the purpose of the event.